⠀An intriguing yet familiar sound resonates throughout the air, kindling one’s interest to find the source. And after a brief explore, the reveler is found among the burgeoning greenery, and a delightful brief moment in nature is captured. Basking in the warmth of the vernal sunlight, hidden among the blooming California wildflowers, a grasshopper sings its midday tune.
⠀Let’s celebrate this small yet captivating moment in nature with poetry and Grasshopper Sings Haiku. Hope you enjoy the video everyone, wishing you many joyous spring days ahead!
-Marie Helen
Grasshopper Sings Haiku⠀⠀
By Marie Helen Abramyan
Chirp, chirp, chirp, lull, chirp
Crouched, hidden in wildflowers
A grasshopper sings