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  • Lyrics Of Two Is Voted #1 Artist Again!

    Lyrics Of Two is #1 again this week on the Native Family Radio Top 20 Chart! Thank you so much to Native Family Radio, and all of the radio listeners. So grateful to all of the fans for your continued voting! Your support and dedication is very much appreciated. Congratulations to all of the other fantastic

  • Lyrics of Two Wins Duo Of The Year!

    Lyrics Of Two began the 2018 holiday season in the most wonderful way! Thank you so much Florida Country Radio for the tremendous honor of being awarded 2018 Music Duo Of The Year! So grateful to all of the fans, radio listeners, and to everyone that voted for Lyrics Of Two. Your continued support is

  • Summer Song (Hey, Hey) Voted Song Of The Year!

    Lyrics Of Two is so grateful to all of the fans, radio listeners, and everyone that voted Summer Song (Hey, Hey) #1 song on the Top 20 Chart on Florida Country Radio, consecutively, week after week, since its debut. It is because of your diligent, and continuous voting that the song now has the honor closing the chart off for the year, and

  • Autumn’s Blissful Interlude

    Colors, scenes of Spring, in autumn’s dry dreary A welcomed reminder, of days bright, cheery Butterflies dancing, with affectionate flutter Softly romancing, atop dry, frosty clutter White as snow, light as feathers, whimsy in their glide A soft word, whispered secret, they share side by side Wild, pink flowers eavesdrop, basking in the pale sun

  • Summer Song (Hey, Hey) has come your way!

     Happy Monday Everyone! It’s finally here! Lyrics Of Two’s latest single Summer Song (Hey, Hey) has arrived! You can enjoy listening to the song for free in its entirety and read the lyrics at the links below!  Summer Song (Hey, Hey) will also be available at iTunes, spotify. googlplay, amazon, tidal, and all other major music retailers. Hope you enjoy listen, singing,

  • Seagull Haiku

    Let’s wrap up this Monday evening on a positive note with Seagull, a free-form haiku by Marie Helen. A poem inspired by the beautiful sight of a relaxing seagull perched atop a wire, seemingly pondering while staring beyond the vast land ahead. May this captured moment in time inspire you with serenity,  and may it motivate us

  • Palm Tree’s Floral Embrace Haiku

    Here is Palm Tree’s Floral Embrace, a haiku poem by Marie Helen. May it serve as a reminder to stop, observe, and enjoy the small beautiful things in nature whenever you can throughout the weekdays.   Nature colliding A palm tree’s floral embrace Tropical delight                    

  • Spring!

      ♪♫It’s mid season and spring’s fruitage and vivid coloration have graced Marie Helen’s garden. From fruits to wildflowers, nature has fully awakened from winter’s freeze (just cold for those who are not in Los Angeles 😉) Seasonal transitions are truly a fascinating aspect of nature to observe. There is so much that can be

  • New Song In Marie Helen’s Book!

    ♪♫Hi Everyone! Marie Helen is just smiling and looking down. Nothing special about her book of sheet music and lyrics on her piano. It’s not like she has just finished writing a new song, that’s coming soon, or anything…😉♪♫