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  • Happy New Year 2025 From Lyrics Of Two!

      ♪♫ Hi Everyone! This is a post that was meant to be shared a couple of weeks ago. But the new year had quite a chaotic start here in Los Angeles. A series of ferocious wildfires erupted just as the new year began and blazed across while destroying thousands of homes and taking lives.

  • Dappled Shadow’s Of Mulberry Sonnet

           Gleaming rays gently shine upon nature. Summer has passed the seasonal baton onto Autumn’s cooling hands. But swirling lightly, between the changing leaves, hints of warm summer breezes softly linger in the air. Tender whispers of days under the blazing sunlight, when bees and butterflies danced for the sweet scent of ripened

  • Wishing You A Happy Mother’s Day!

    ♪♫ Wishing all mothers a very happy, and healthy mother’s day!Have a wonderful day everyone!♪♫   I Love You, Mom    By Marie Helen Abramyan   A single day is not enough, to honor all that’s you; You gave me a lifetime, a gift to which none can compare. A million stars, with all their

  • Grasshopper Sings Haiku

    ⠀An intriguing yet familiar sound resonates throughout the air, kindling one’s interest to find the source. And after a brief explore, the reveler is found among the burgeoning greenery, and a delightful brief moment in nature is captured. Basking in the warmth of the vernal sunlight, hidden among the blooming California wildflowers, a grasshopper sings


          Nature has taken a deep breath, and with gusting autumnal sighs of relief has shed away the heft of the year that’s now in the rear view. Tumbling away with strewn leaves are the remnants of days gone by. Storms have been weathered, dry spells overcome, and harsh winds survived, nature is

  • Cactus Being

    Let’s journey together with the resilient cacti, through the serene waves of atmosphere ‘neath the winds flowing wings, and Cactus Being. Hope you enjoy the ride, and may                                       your summer days be filled with sun-drenched moments

  • Strive In Stride Like The Resilient Wildflowers

          A new week has commenced, and we face new days filled with experiences yet to be discovered, and moments yet to be adventured, some good and some inevitably challenging. As we look forward to the week, let’s take heed from one of the many big lessons the smaller things in nature provide, and

  • Nature’s Christmas Tree Sonnet

      The holidays have arrived, and nature has once again joined the celebrations of the season. Colorfully festive floral displays, joyous bird sung tunes, and bountifully budding blossoms of pomegranate have set the scene for Nature’s Christmas Tree Sonnet, by Marie Helen. Let’s take a moment to relax and celebrate with nature, poetry, and music.

  • Nature Unimposed reviewed by Stepkid Magazine!

    ♪♫ Nature Unimposed by Marie Helen has received a great review by the literary and music magazine, Stepkid! You can check out the review at the gallery below or by clicking the link.♪♫ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Link To Poem Review →

  • Nature Unimposed

    Somber eyes ponder, what this world will be? Better days ahead, sighs the wind swiftly; Flit, airy as my glides, fanciful, free, Change is in the air, summer’s warming spree; Embracing days chaotic, frozen, still, Frosted with fear, surrendered to fate’s will. For amidst nature’s tranquil seclusion; Strives humanity lost in confusion. To baffled minds