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  • Palm Tree’s Floral Embrace Haiku

    Here is Palm Tree’s Floral Embrace, a haiku poem by Marie Helen. May it serve as a reminder to stop, observe, and enjoy the small beautiful things in nature whenever you can throughout the weekdays.   Nature colliding A palm tree’s floral embrace Tropical delight                    

  • Recap Of This Week!

      Another busy week for Lyrics Of Two below is a recap! Song Review:  Since the release of “Let’s Make This Earth From House To Home” the song has continued to receive some terrific reviews. Truly grateful for all of the kind words received from the reviewers that take the time to listen to the song

  • “Feather Haiku” By Marie Helen Abramyan Published In Stepkid Magazine!

       “Feather Haiku” by Marie Helen has been published in the literary magazine Stepkid! Thank you very much for featuring the poem, and for the kind words Stepkid Magazine, really enjoyed reading your interpretation of the haiku! Everyone, you can check out the feature at the link below. “Feather Haiku” By Marie Helen Abramyan Featured

  • Autumn Days

    Multicolored leaves, delicately strew the ground A rust colored tinge, is in nature all around The breezy wind whispers, of colder days to come  Yet a comfort in the air, as Fall have just begun Shining on the bountiful harvest, is the bright sun Golden rays warm young critters, on their forage run Pumpkin patches,

  • Recap Of This Week

         Hi Everyone! With another busy week for Lyrics Of Two, a recap was due. “Let’s Make This Earth From House To Home” had another big week in the radio music charts. It is truly humbling to see how committedly everyone voted for “Let’s Make This Earth From House To Home” on the radio

  • Through the vast green hills filled with daffodils, and skies with grayish blue eyes Butterflies flutter and pass one another, as a hummingbird flies through the skies But the honey bee stays steady, at the ready, for the summer’s hot sun, to start its fun At the sun’s first sight, it gather’s its might, in

  • Summer Days

      When we were younger, summer days seemed so much longer When carefree, radiant, sun filled ease, was paired with the bustling ocean’s lively breeze And time,it was thought of by things to do, and people to see, places to be Easy going days lingered, and moments, they took their time Like slow ships, that