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  • Lyrics Of Two is nominated for a Museboat Musies Award 2020!

    If you follow Lyrics Of Two (@lyricsoftwo) on social media then you already know of the exciting news that Mysteries by Lyrics Of Two has been nominated for a Museboat Musies Award 2020!!!     It is such an honor for the band to be nominated among the great artists of Museboat Radio! The Museboat Musie Awards

  • Lyrics Of Two Games

    Let the games begin! With so much going on around the world these days, it’s nice to take a moment to take a breath. Aside from music, there is no better way to rest and refocus than by playing some relaxing games. Below you will find a variety of word and letter games all related

  • Time To Make This Earth From House To Home

    Hi Everyone. We are in the midst of spring, but there is a sense of somberness and building tension in the air. This time of global uncertainty and unease caused by the Covid 19 pandemic makes one realize how truly small this world is, and how our human race is connected so intricately. Hence, it is

  • Orange Tree Sonnet

    Orange Tree Sonnet Amidst spring’s sun, fragrant white flowers bloomed;  Gracing tree limbs, then garnishing the ground.  In the summer sun, green citrus perfumed; Standing their place, unlike the flowers strown. To face the gusts of autumn’s rusty breaths;  The color of the sun’s glow they assumed.  Warming their seedy hearts, with zesty vests; Winter’s

  • Reminiscing Skies Sonnet

    Ametrine skies, gusting lingering sighs,  Whisper tales, of retired summer days.  Breezy breaths soothe the sun’s blistering eyes, Of a gaze, that’s turned greens to browns, and grays. Burnished apricot shadows, listen still, As the sky narrates the gone summertide. Dog days memories, warm the autumn chill, Recomposed, nature will strike a new stride.  Glitter

  • Bird Of Paradise Sonnet By Marie Helen

    Bird of Paradise, feather among leaves, To the earthy soil I am bound and tied. Anchored by claws of roots and weighty sheaves, My spirit flies among the birds that glide. My sprawled pinions verdant, tail feathers pied,  A crest of orange crowned is my disguise. As winds breathe hope and new life, then subside,