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  • Palm Tree’s Floral Embrace Haiku

    Here is Palm Tree’s Floral Embrace, a haiku poem by Marie Helen. May it serve as a reminder to stop, observe, and enjoy the small beautiful things in nature whenever you can throughout the weekdays.   Nature colliding A palm tree’s floral embrace Tropical delight                    

  • Spring!

      ♪♫It’s mid season and spring’s fruitage and vivid coloration have graced Marie Helen’s garden. From fruits to wildflowers, nature has fully awakened from winter’s freeze (just cold for those who are not in Los Angeles 😉) Seasonal transitions are truly a fascinating aspect of nature to observe. There is so much that can be

  • New Song In Marie Helen’s Book!

    ♪♫Hi Everyone! Marie Helen is just smiling and looking down. Nothing special about her book of sheet music and lyrics on her piano. It’s not like she has just finished writing a new song, that’s coming soon, or anything…😉♪♫  

  • Lyrics Of Two Is #1 On The Deli Magazine’s Global Music Charts!

      (click to enlarge chart)             Lyrics Of  Two continues to have music chart success into 2018! Although, Lyrics Of  Two has had the great honor of being in first place many times before on The Deli Magazine’s U.S. charts and on other international radio charts, this chart is particularly exciting as Lyrics Of

  • Recap Of This Week!

      Another busy week for Lyrics Of Two below is a recap! Song Review:  Since the release of “Let’s Make This Earth From House To Home” the song has continued to receive some terrific reviews. Truly grateful for all of the kind words received from the reviewers that take the time to listen to the song

  • “From Seeds To A Plant, On Time For Halloween”

    Happy Halloween Everyone!    So often during the holidays and changing of seasons, we are so busy and overwhelmed with excitement, and emotions that we tend to overlook the beauty in the small delicate aspects of life and the changes in nature. Consequently, I recently decided to grow a little plant, in a holiday appropriate

  • Lyrics Of Two is the #1 band again on the Deli Music Charts!

      Hi Everyone! The latest Deli Magazine Music Charts are up, and Lyrics Of Two tops the charts once again, as #1 band,  in all of the regions listed above! As you know,  Lyrics Of  Two has been having a great run on various charts. With the latest single “Let’s Make This Earth From House To Home”

  • How I Met Lilly, The Helmeted Guineafowl

          One bright morning this summer, as the sun was generously blazing its intense rays upon the cityscape, all kinds of routine morning sounds filled the atmosphere. It was late morning so rush hour traffic had begun, and there was a sense of hurriedness around as city noises filled the air.  A honk

  • #LetsMakeThisEarthFromHouseToHome By Lyrics Of Two!

    Happy Friday Everyone! Very happy to finally present you #LetsMakeThisEarthFromHouseToHome. Below are the links to listen to the entire full version of the song now on Soundcloud and Reverbnation, the song will also be available at iTunes, Spotify, Groove, Goople Play Amazon, Tidal, and all other major music retailers. There is also a link to read