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Dappled Shadow’s Of Mulberry Sonnet


       Gleaming rays gently shine upon nature. Summer has passed the seasonal baton onto Autumn’s cooling hands. But swirling lightly, between the changing leaves, hints of warm summer breezes softly linger in the air. Tender whispers of days under the blazing sunlight, when bees and butterflies danced for the sweet scent of ripened berries, and verdant leaves flourished on the Mulberry. 

       Let’s celebrate this beautifully resilient, remarkably adaptable, and incredibly useful tree with poetry, and Dappled Shadow’s Of Mulberry Sonnet. Hope you enjoy the poem and video, everyone. Wishing you a wonderful autumn season, filled with lightness, peace, and the warmth of the hues that surround us in nature!

                                                                                                            -Marie Helen


Dappled Shadows of Mulberry Sonnet

     By Marie Helen Abramyan  

Centuries of strength in each leaf resides

Above dappled shadows ‘neath blazing skies,

Growing lush verdure a silkworm’s grand feast;

Shields scattered berries strewn ripe and unleashed,

Piled verdant armor diffuses hot rays,

While ants spiral ‘round its trunk’s ridged maze,

Beaming warm smiles, summer’s brightness descends,

Butterflies and bees orbit the sweet scents;

From juice to wine, and pulp of paper inked,

Lasting as its hues dark purple, white, pink,

Arrayed like jewels across flourishing limbs;

Swaying to the wafts of soft whistling winds,

Enduring the test of time’s winding hands,

Unyielding in strength the Mulberry stands

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