If you follow Lyrics Of Two (@lyricsoftwo) on social media then you already know of the exciting news that Mysteries by Lyrics Of Two has been nominated for a Museboat Musies Award 2020!!!
It is such an honor for the band to be nominated among the great artists of Museboat Radio! The Museboat Musie Awards mark the 10 year anniversary of Museboat Radio! The competition is comprised of 100 of the best songs that Museboat Radio has played at the station in the last ten years. The competition will culminate at the Gala Music Show on December 6, 2020, where the winners will be announced!
But in the meantime, there is even more thrilling news to share. Thanks to all the fans and radio listeners who voted for Mysteries by Lyrics Of Two, the band has now advanced to Round 2 of the Museboat Musies Awards 2020! Very grateful to everyone’s support. The competition goes on, so please continue to place your votes for Lyrics Of Two- Mysteries everyday by clicking the link below. Thank you to everyone for their votes!
Click link to vote for Lyrics Of Two