“In Lyrics Of Two’s song Let’s Make This Earth From House To Home”, it is above all a question of compassion, good waves, love, hope in life and in others. A message of global peace. The song is written by band member Marie Helen Abramyan who is also a poet and children’s books author,and the text of the song will resonate within you as a positive message that will surely catch your eye. The song has already won many people because it is broadcast around the world. She has been among the top six most popular songs on Miami Country Radio…”(Translated from original french text)
Feather Haiku-by Marie Helen Abramyan… “Feather Haiku” is one of Marie Helen’s most recent poems. She is becoming known for her seasonally themed poetry.

Lyrics Of Two has managed to hook itself to a game that rewards artists who go out of their way to not be lyrically boring.Their lyrics are as fluorescently luminous as their themes are deep and weighty, while the music is unavoidably seductive, and gloomier thoughts usually give way toward optimistic views of how love could be enough to overcome the isolating idiosyncrasies of modern life. Musically, too, there is nothing but beauty in Lyrics Of Two’s work, and the formula is again stunningly executed on “Let’s Make This Earth From House To Home”.